Experience a calm and confident birth with hypnobirthing techniques at Stewart Therapies in Perth. Our expert guidance helps you achieve a positive birthing experience. Book your session today.
In affiliation with the HypnoBirthing Institute, the Mongan Method.
The Mongan Method was created by Marie Mongan in 1989.
HypnoBirthing® is a complete birth education programme where you and your birthing companion will learn how to use self-hypnosis, guided imagery and special breathing techniques that can help to bring about a shorter, easier and more joyful birth. Whatever birth you are planning, be it a homebirth, at hospital or at a birthing centre, HypnoBirthing® can help. The program consists of five classes of 2.5 hours each.
HypnoBirthing® does not mean that you will be in a trance or asleep. You will be conversant and in good spirits - totally relaxed, but fully in control. Just imagine welcoming your surges! Feeling peaceful, relaxed and even smiling as your baby comes closer to you! Your body will work in perfect harmony, achieving a state of relaxation, free from fear. You will learn to use your natural instincts for a calm, serene and comfortable birth.
Why is HypnoBirthing® so good?
- It eliminates the fear-tension-pain syndrome that so often accompanies birthing
It reduces the need for medication
It shortens labour and birthing, leaving new mothers feeling fresher, more awake and with more energy
There are significantly fewer surgical births
Higher rate of comfortable, natural births with little or no technological assistance
It works effectively for a variety of birthing choices
You'll feel relaxed, calm and in control
You'll be confident and informed about your choices
It reduces the risk of episiotomy during birth
The breathing techniques help labour and the birthing process - no more panting, 'purple pushing' or hyperventilating!
It promotes prenatal bonding and fosters more rapid postnatal recovery
It creates a more integral role for the birthing companion - they are no longer a helpless onlooker, but a central part of the birthing experience.
So what about baby?
Babies born using HypnoBirthing® tend to be calmer, feed better, sleep better and experience less birth trauma, whilst scientific research suggests that they usually have higher apgar scores as well (Harmon et al 1990).
Who is HypnoBirthing® suitable for?
HypnoBirthing® is suitable for first time mums and mums who've had children before. It helps women who are fearful of birth because they've never done it before, who are anxious because of a bad experience last time or who just want a calmer, easier, more natural birth experience. If you're pregnant, and looking for an alternative to the over-medicalised, "pain-is-inevitable" mindset, then HypnoBirthing® is for you.
If you would like more information about this service please contact Emma Stewart on 0438719088 or email her: blissfulbirth@hotmail.com
You can also visit her website: http://www.blissfulbirth.com.au/default.htm